Myths About Dental Implants
Dental Implants These are the most natural & stable method of replacing your missing teeth. Dental Implants are the future of dentistry that adapts cutting edge technology & offers much better solution to the patient as teeth replaced with dental implants look more natural, strong & functions very much similar to natural teeth. But there have been many misconception or myths that surround this dental procedure. You can look out for more detailed information about dental implants on the internet. Dental Implants are Painful Dental Implants are placed into the jawbone in the position of the missing teeth. Implant Placement Procedure is very precise and is performed by experienced specialists using special equipment designed for the procedure. It is done under local anesthesia and is almost a painless procedure. Many a times a Dental Implant is placed in the same place of the extracted tooth, saving on time and trauma and medication for the patient. A skille...